From Blog Items

Friday, September 14, 2007

Bumper Stickers

Yes, I'm a Facebook junkie. Damn that site! It sucks you in like a black hole. Anyways, there's an application on Facebook called Bumper Stickers. There's lots of insanely crazy thumbnail-sized pictures featured. I would like to share a few of those I find so amusing. Here goes:

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Milo Madness

Who can ever forget the young rebel in Gilmore Girls who grew up into a very fine character in Heroes? I for one didn't. I would like to present this year's sexiest rising star (and my latest obsession): Milo Ventimiglia. How can you ever forget that frown and the voice...oh the voice...I must say, no matter what role he's playing, he still exudes sexiness. So girls (or guys) you hearts out:

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Charmaine sent me this clip. It touched me in so many ways and reminded me immediately of this song "Cats in the Cradle" by Harry Chapin (Motley Crue did a remake of this song. So did Guns N Roses) and part of the lyric went like this:

"A child just arrived the other day,
He came to the world in the usual way.
But there were planes to catch, and bills to pay.
He learnt to walk when I was away.
And he was talking 'fore I knew it, and as he grew,
He'd say,"I'm gonna be like you, dad. You know I'm gonna be like you."

Sunday, June 10, 2007


Today, I am so sad. I think my friend Steph is the coolest, SMARTEST person I have ever met. She is just so smart. I think she is so smart. Her intelligence is... so smart. *sob* Oh how I wish I could be just like her. I am but a fool. A fool. Fool schmool. Cool drool. Stool wool.

Today, I wet my pants. Actually, I knew I had to go to the toilet. But it was too far and I was tired. At least something fun happened today. I miss my smart, cool, black haired friend Steph.

tee hee hee..

Reply from Xavy:

Oh Steph, you must be bored to death that you decided to write about yourself. It's okay, you can tell me your secret....ah, nevermind...dont have to tell..I already know. You have a split personality, right? It's okay.. we are here for you...

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

How to de-stress

Take it from me. I'm an expert in de-stressing.

  1. Punch anyone who happens to be in your way.
  2. Set people's car on fire.
  3. Scream on top of your lungs especially when you are in a crowded area.
  4. Snip off all your hair.
  5. Shave your eyebrows.
  6. Bite people.
  7. Bark like a dog with your head out your car window.
  8. Drive in reverse all the way home from the office.
  9. Drive through tolls without paying anything.
  10. Call every single person in your phonebook and scream at them.
  11. Shit on your annoying neighbour's car.
  12. Push kids off their swings.
  13. Make prank calls.
*Note: This is meant to be a joke. If you're dumb enough to do the abovementioned things, you aren't human but an ass.

Anyways, life is a bitch. Everyone is bitchy in their own way. I want to knock the bitchiness out of every one of you. I want to beat the daylights out of every single person whose sole mission is to make my life miserable. Yes..If you happen to read this, I hate you. Fuck you. Go suck on your mama's tits, you goat fucker.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Updates on my totally adventurous life

Wanna know what the fuck has been happening this few months? Here...let me list down all the fucking things I've been fucking doing so you guys can fucking check it out and see that my life is so fucking cool. FUCK! I'M COOL!! ( is not put in proper order...too lazy to do it as my life in itself is unorganized)

  1. Charmaine's awesome 'Mad Hatter' birthday bash at 7ate9. I went as a pirate (because pirates wear hats, you dumbass). Steph wore a cowboy hat. Leo got a tophat. Abel wore a cap. Charmaine the bday girl had on a fucking awesome sunhat. Willy wore a berret (is that how u fucking spell it?). Outcome: Birthday girl got smashed. She was so red and so drunk. I was delighted.

  2. Jon and Lin came to KL for a break. We went partying at the usual watering hole: Velvet Underground. Firstly, they mixed up our table reservations. Because there was gonna be 11 of us, I asked Jay to reserve a big table by the dancefloor. Outcome: Fucking small table. only 2 fucking chairs. (but its ok coz at least we had a table. Thanks Jay). Got smashed (as usual). Alvin and Jon ended up on the dancefloor with us 3 girls (me, lin, charmaine). Jon had to go home early. Alvin followed Jon back. Byron came late. I wore bright red lipstick and ended up kissing Lin which ended up with me smudging my lipstick all over my face and hers. I made 2 guys kiss (do not want to disclose their names). On the way back to the car, according to Byron, I kept spanking Lin's ass. Charmaine had to drive because I was useless. I called Steph and was raving about some "Cobra God". Charmaine recorded the conversation. Life starts spiraling downwards after that episode. I am now the "Cobra God" girl.

  3. Steph bought a pair of pink ladybug slippers for me from HAAAA-noi.

  4. I am slowly improving my pool playing skills

  5. I have managed to dramatically cut down on my alcohol intake

  6. I have managed to gain weight and now am officially an ELEPHANT

  7. Went to Good Charlotte's concert with Christine, Renai, and Nicholas. Nic got us the tickets. I am eternally grateful to him. Being an avid rock ago-go-er...this was my first ever rock concert. How pathetic is that?

  8. Started playing Wii...thanks to Steph and Leo. It's so much fun. I've added Wii into my list of "Things I MUST buy before I spend all my salary on alcohol".

  9. I ordered the lousiest wine on planet earth. It was so sour that every sip makes you cringe. Steph had to help me finish the bottle. nyeh nyeh nyeh

  10. Almost drove into a divider because I was soooo sleepy.

  11. Ran over a huge-ass snake. I think it survived the ordeal. I somehow almost punished myself for almost killing an innocent pedastrian (the snake).

  12. Went for my FIRST EVER EARTH WIND AND FIRE concert. First time watching them LIVE. I love Earth Wind and Fire and I dont fucking care if you guys hate them.

  13. MIKA. Mika changed my life in so many ways. He's a cross between Mick Jagger, Freddie Mercury, and anorexia.

  14. Finally watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Movie was great. I'm still in love with Johnny Depp ever since his 21 Jump Street days. Johnny, if you're reading this, I love you.

  15. Been playing badminton almost every Thursday. Not so much into squash these days. But still... I suck. I suck so bad. boo hoo me.

  16. Mom's birthday. It was one hell of a drama getting the right restaurant and all that. Outcome: Mom was drunk on wine and margarita...(yes... ONE wine and ONE margarita and that was IT).

  17. Willy went to Singapore and came back. We have yet to celebrate his belated birthday. I am itching all over to get him drunk.

  18. Jay and I are going to be the MC for Joey's wedding. We still have yet to figure out what to wear. My mission for the night: Get wasted!

Fuck, my life is so fucking cool because I am cool. Go me!!!!!

Saturday, May 05, 2007


This world is just full of them. You can't avoid them and they most certainly are not avoiding us girls. They will go all out in finding ways to get closer to you. Even the scent of your perfume sends shivers down their spine and before you know it, they are already aroused and start moving in on you. It doesn't matter what you wear, you just can't stop them from using their imagination and undressing you with their eyes...their dirty beady eyes. Sad to say, perverts have been breeding profusely in Malaysia. It's like, everywhere you go, you are bound to bump into a pervert or two at every corner. Come on, guys, we girls most certainly are not impressed by all this perversion. Where have all the gentlemen gone? I guess perversion is some sort of disease. I've yet to figure if it's air-borne or if it spreads via bodily fluid. I'll keep you guys posted once I get the answer.

Do you think staring at a girl's bossom will get you in her panties? The last thing a girl would want is to be banged by a dirty boy who has only ONE thing in mind..which is to BANG her. A girl wants a guy who has the whole package: good manners, good career, good hygiene, good future, good listener, good entertainer...and of course, ehem, a good/feasible size (note that I didn't use the word "GREAT" because I know nobody's perfect). Not some slimy bastard who thinks about sex everytime he looks at exposed skin. Well, I guess we have to blame part of it on pornography and on how the media exploits women. Come on guys, don't forget your mother is also a woman. So respect other women like how you respect your own mother.

A woman is like a temple. Respect, my fellow men, respect. All that "Your body's a Wonderland..." song crap is just...yes, crap. A woman's body is a work of fine art..not a play thing.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

No.1 thing NOT to do when you're DRUNK

*Picture courtesy of Gavin.
Those 2 drunken looking mofos you see proudly displaying their work of art in that picture are my cousin, Gavin (in red), and my nephew, Carl (in black). When I saw this, I was shocked/dumbfounded. Okay, we've all had our fair share of embarassing/remorseful moments in our past drunken escapades. But by far the most bizzare thing I've seen in my entire 25 years of life...


I didn't know whether to laugh or to I did both in the end. I laughed so hard that there were tears in my eyes.

Monday, April 09, 2007

The Voice

These few days have seen me hanging out with Jay, Razlan and Jess. Our drunkard escapades could've been satisfying if it weren't for the presence of a very annoying-squeaky-high-pitched voice. My first impression of the owner of this "voice" was a good one. But until my recent experience with her, her true colours showed and I can say that God has really put my patience to the test. Finally to no avail, my patience has reached it's limit. While hungrily wolfing down on my food, (all my friends know that nothing, NOTHING, should come between me and my food ESPECIALLY when I'm starving) the others were talking about Easter Sunday and stuff like that..and The Voice turned to me "So you are what again? Kela..what? Kelabit?". To which I responded with a "Mm"(I was more interested in my food than talking about my ethnic background). Not getting the message, The Voice asked,"So, you're Christian meh?". I looked up, swallowed my food and gave the loudest "DUH" I can manage. Everyone looked up at me with a startled look. I continued eating and was smiling deep down inside as I imagined how she'd look like with my plate of "mee mamak goreng" on her head. I could feel the tension in the air right after my "DUH" to ease it, with all my might, I looked up, smiled and said,"I get that all the time because people always assume that I'm a Malay." But to my dismay, The Voice replied,"Yah! I get that all the time too! Why ar"...and my mind trailed off as she began holding the table hostage with stories about her. All I could hear was "Squeak... squeak squeak squeak....SQUEAK...squeak squeak....."

I made a promise to myself The Voice will be the first and last of her kind I would ever want to encounter for the rest of my life.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

A letter to the Unchanged Man

Dear Unchanged Man,

You said you'd love me. You said you love me for being me. You'd love me no matter what. You'd never change.

Years down the road...
I caught you once
I caught you twice
I forgave you and tried to forget

I caught you again...
third time
fourth time
Somehow down the road, I forced myself to forgive.

Years have passed

And again it happened...
and again... I lost count.
Somehow the number of times it happened doesn't seem to matter anymore.
The fact happened

Somehow we managed to meet new friends. Everyone love you. Like how I used to love you. It's been a while since it happened. But I'm just waiting for it to happen again. This journey is weary and I'm weary. Change is inevitable. You proved that to me.

Somehow for once I made a mistake (you said it was my mistake). I went my own way.
I looked elsewhere.
It didn't work out.
I returned to you.
But never have you ever kept quiet about this one.
You accused me.
You made me into a monster to your friends.
Just that one time cost me my reputation.
Just one time.
I was accused.
I was damned.
I was condemned.
But I let it slip.
I learn and I learn well.

You don't get it, do you? I learned all this from you! Again, I am weary. I need freedom, but I'm afraid of it. I need to go away, but I'm afraid of not returning. I want to stay, but I'm afraid of disappointments. I need to be alone, but I'm afraid of loneliness.

You'd say I think too much.
That's because even when I'm with you, I feel lonely.
We've been together for very long.
It's either we change, or the relationship changes.
I've changed.

A changed woman

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Happy! Happy! Happy!

I'm so happy. I don't know why. Maybe it's a combination of the following:

-Nice weather
-Cut down on cigarettes
-Good food (have been eating a lot)
-Good friends
-Good colleagues
-It feels like New Year all over again.
-Good music
-Finally watched 300
-Managed to fool my colleagues and a few friends on April Fool's day
-My Bandit
-People love me
-I love the people
-And.....Earth, Wind & Fire concert's this Friday. hahahahaha!!

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Art of Annoying People in a Lift

After my many encounters with rude and annoying people in the lift (because I live in an apartment), it has inspired me to come up with a list of things to do to annoy these people back (Oh...revenge IS sweet). Feel free to add in a few lines yourself. You see, I have learnt the Malaysian way which is: If you can't beat them, join them.

  1. When the lift door opens (make sure there are ppl around lah), push your way through the crowd so that you enter the lift first. Next, CLOSE the lift door even when people are still trying to get in.
  2. While in the lift, fart loudly and give a sigh of relief. Take a deep breathe, smile and go "Mmmm..."
  3. Talk loudly on your mobile (in the lift) and go "Hello?..Hello?..HELLO?" repeatedly..until the lift door opens and exit.
  4. Keep starring at the person in the lift until he/she feels uncomfortable. And when he/she finally looks at you in annoyance, you roll your eyes and say "So sensitive".
  5. When the lift door closes, start panicking, squeezing yourself in the back of the lift and say "We are going to die....we are going to die!!"
  6. Slowly inch yourself closer to the person next to you. When he/she realizes this and moves away, slowly inch yourself towards them again. Do this until he/she exits the lift.
  7. Pee in your pants and say loudly " it me? Or is it raining in here?"
  8. While in the lift, scream as if you're on a roller-coaster ride. Just before you exit, say "Phew.. that was one helluva ride!"
  9. Bring a box of popcorn with you. While in the lift throw them in the air and say "It's snowing!!"
  10. When you enter the lift, "accidentally" step on everyone's feet and say sorry. And as you exit, do the same.
  11. As you enter the lift, ask "Which floor do I go to Willy Wonka's chocolate factory?"
  12. When you catch someone looking at you, overreact by saying "Stop starring at my boobies and stop stalking me or else I'll call the police!"
  13. If you see someone carrying a lot of things, "accidentally" nudge into him/her. When he/she bends over to pick them up, quickly move behind the person and dry-hump him/her.
  14. When someone is exiting a lift. Push their head from behind so they exit faster.
  15. "What are you guys doing in MY lift??"
  16. Turn to your "imaginary friend" and giggle "Hehehee...they can't see you.."
  17. Ask the stranger next to you " place or yours?"
  18. Grab your crotch, wince, smack yourself on the forehead, and say "Aiyah...forgot to wear my underwear AGAIN!"
  19. Carry a water-gun. Whenever you catch anyone talking, you squirt them and say "Silence!".
  20. Sit on the lift floor, look up someone's skirt and say "Hah! I know what colour you're wearing! hahaha!"

Saturday, March 17, 2007

The art of destroying pictures

You know when your whole family has one of those 'reunion' dinners/get-togethers, it will usually be accompanied by countless of photo-taking sessions. But of course, everyone will be dressed up to their 9's and 6's...just for a family dinner. And again, when it's time to take pictures, the aunties will usually insist the photo session to be put on hold while they rush to the nearest mirror to get themselves dolled up. We younger ones on the other hand will be standing and waiting, rolling our eyes and snickering about how funny it is that it mattered so much to look good on film. So being true descendents of the Choo family (although I'm actually Kelabit, but my mom's chinese, therefore, I'm technically still considered a descendent of the Choo family), we did not only inherit the good side of the bloodline, we also did (to the dismay of all our aunties and uncles) inherit the mischevious side. See, through the many stories passed down to us through my 'ah ma' (granny in Hokkien), we have concluded that my mom's generation was quite the naughty one. Imagine 8 siblings living under 1 roof. I'll leave that to your imagination.

Anyways, back to my point here. We are all blessed with a good/weird sense of humor. Some people may find it sickening. Some people find it incomprehensible. But for my cousins, sister, and I, we just find it a hell lot of fun. Our latest is what we love to call "Distroy all picture" trick. It's when a family photo session is taking place, we'd pretend to pose nicely for the camera..and just seconds before the click of the camera, we'd change our poses into something horrendous. Knowing that the aunties & uncles are quite particular about taking the 'perfect' family picture, we figured this is the best way to get at them.

I would advise that you'll need a lot of practice to pull this off:

1st of all, you'll need the cooperation from all your siblings and cousins.

2nd, they must be of the same wavelength as you.

3rd, you better make sure that every silly pose you make would surely come out so wrong in the picture.

4th, you must master the art of changing your pose from proper to improper within a blink of an I said, you must anticipate the moment the photographer clicks his camera.

Everything must be done with precission timing. Or if changing poses are too much to do, try something simpler like the "half open - half close" eye trick or easier still, just keep blinking your eyes really will still be able to get the same effect. If you are creative enough, here's when the props come in. Be it a soft toy, or a kids toy gun. Anything goes. Just use your imagination. Once you're reached the Advanced stage, that's when you get one of your cousins/siblings (who is not going to be in the photo taking session) to jump right in front of the group, thus blocking the camera from the group and the photgrapher ends up taking him instead of everyone else..OR..a prop can come in handly. Just get your sibling/cousin to slide the prop in view (just make sure no one notices it. not even the cameraman).

Here's a couple of sample for you to practice at home with your siblings and cousins:

The "blinking eye" pose.
Notice how how I look.
Try to look like you're
smiling naturally but
with your eyes closed.

This is the 'art of
changing poses'.
Only do this after
you've fully
mastered the
"blinking eye" pose.

Combination pose. The
"blinking eye" + "art of
changing pose".

With props. My sis & I
stood behind the group
so that they wouldn't
spot the props.In this
case, it was our little
cousin's toy guns.

Combination. The
props (my sis and I
in the background)
+ My little cousin
who jumped in front
of the group at the
click of the camera
(too bad he's too short
to block everyone).

The hardest to pull off.
Notice anything? If
you look closely, there's
a toy gun on the left
side of the picture. My
cousin managed to
slip this in view of the camera without anyone noticing.

Well, happy trying. If you need more tips, you know who to call. :) I'll be very happy to be at your service.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Talking crap

Just when I thought 2007 will be the year where I cut down on partying, I find myself doing just the opposite. Being the sort of person who wouldn't want to miss out on anything, I couldn't resist the nightlife. But this time, I'm much more observant with the environment that I'm in (maybe it comes with age..haha!). Instead of hitting the dancefloor like I used to, I find myself having conversations with random ppl despite the loud music. One time, a guy friend came up to me and dragged me to the bar to have a drink with him. After what seemed to be like an endless conversation about girls, music, and human behavior, he turned to me and asked:

"I heard you like bad boys"
"Where did you hear that from?"
"Haha..Come on, Xavy. Does not take an idiot to see that!"
"I'm not looking for one."
"So, what type of guy do you think I am?"
"I don't know."
"I like to think that I'm a bad boy."
"Oh, reaalllyyy? Good for you."
"So, meaning there's a higher chance of you liking me, maybe?"
"I like nice guys."
"But I thought you like bad boys?"
"I never said I like bad boys."
"I can be a nice guy."
"I don't think so.."

Ouch....That must've hurt real bad. I must say, it must be the age and the amount of alcohol consumed that made me so cocky. Hahaha. Just watching someone's face wince in pain is so priceless. I'm not a mean person. But with the presence of alcohol in my blood, I have no control of the words I use. It's a very Sagittarian thing to's called "Foot-in-Mouth" Disease. Therefore, to anyone out there who has been the victim of my doing, I do apologize.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

The month of Love

Yes, it's February. Happy Belated Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year to everyone. It was a long weekend and I've been partying almost everyday (during the festive holidays). Steph told me that I should have a private blog for my private thoughts for my perverted friends. Anyways, I will not go into details. It's the same old thing... I went out with friends, I had lots to drink, I danced till my feet ached, and I sent friends home before going home myself in a drunken state. Somehow my tolerance of alcohol has been on a down low lately.

Today, Steph and Charmaine are leaving me behind on a trip to Langkawi to celebrate Johan's bday. :( So sad because I couldn't make it. Let's hope there'll be another trip sometime soon. This weekend will surely be a lonely and quiet weekend for me because:

1. Steph, Charmaine and the boys will be in Langkawi.
2. Daniel left for Aussie land yesterday.
3. David is down with fever.
4. Willy's in Jakarta.
5. Alvin's busy with his cousin who just came down from Taiwan.

Lonelyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! I'm so lonelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy...... I have nobodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....for my owwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.......

Friday, January 26, 2007


Xavie called me 10ish-11 to ask if i wanted to yumcha. She bugged me on the phone for abit then i told her i'd call her after dinner.

Dinner ended at 11.58pm, when I called her.

"VievieEeeE. Where are you"
"At home watching tv.. So malas"
"I just finished dinner, wanna yumcha"
"Nrghhh. So malas la.."
"Get ready we come pick you up and go near your place"
"Nrghhh.. Malas laa.. aiya anything lah"
"okay okay faster, want or dont want"

Freaky lazy ballz!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Okay, I'm addicted to Blogthings. I sat for a quizz called "What Mythological Creature Are You?" and this was the end result...What a coincidence since I'm a Sagittarian and my symbol is a Centaur...except the Sagittarian Centaur has a bow and arrow whereas this Centaur is holding a spear. But whatever it is... Sagittarians Rock!!!!!

You Are a Centaur

In general, you are a very cautious and reserved person.
However, you are also warm hearted, and you enjoy helping others in practical ways.
You are a great teacher, and you are really good at helping people get their lives in order.
You are very intuitive, and you go with your gut. You make good decisions easily.
p/s Sagittarians are cool too. hahahahha

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Counting In English - Japanese Game Show

I just couldn't stop laughing when I watched this video. It's soooo fucking funny! It's taken from a Japanese game show. I think the show is called "Don't Laugh".

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I was so bored today, so I decided to browse to check it out. The following are the results of my boredom. I seriously need help because I may be a danger to the society:

Your Mind is NC-17 Rated

You're mind is so filthy... you should should be washing every part of you out with soap.
If your thoughts can go dirty, they do. Almost everything is NC-17 to you!

You Date Like a Man

According to studies on dating, you date like a man.
You date casually and frequently, getting serious with select people over time.

Physical attraction and chemistry is very important to you.
And if there's nothing more than a physical connection, that's okay with you (at least for a while).

You are definitely looking for love, but you are in no rush to find it.
You figure love will eventually come your way, and you're not going to live like a monk while you're waiting!
Yes, Steph, you are right... I can be a little man-ly sometimes... sigh...

I miss The Gang!

It's been a while since The Gang were out partying together. Everytime when I have the opportunity to party, there's always 1 member of The Gang missing. This month, it's my turn to go M.I.A. on The Gang. For those of you who have NO idea who or what The Gang is, it consists of 4 very different individuals with very different cultural/ethnic backgrounds, and very different carrier paths: Stephanie, Alvin, Willy, and me...

Happy times.....

  • Stephanie Fang is Chinese. Born and bred in KL. Has just completed her studies and is waiting for graduation. She plans to take up PR and is currently a model for a well known agency. She likes to suck on my big toe and thinks I'm the coolest person in the world. She has a shrine in her room dedicated to me. Apparently I'm the next big thing to Aphrodite (that's what she said).
  • Willy Wilson is what I love to call a Chin-Do..he's an Indonesian Chinese. Born and bred there and came to KL to continue his studies and is currently a really cool journalist/writer for a very well known lifestyle magazine. He was a very nice and sweet guy until he met us, and so it began..the total conversion of a sweet thing to a ferocious party animal and fellow martini drinker.
  • Alvin Alfonso (or Pulga) is a Philipino Canadian. It's quite a long story on how he landed the Channel [V] I'll just cut it short and say that he is now a VJ and we are proud of him. He is the craziest, strongest and loudest of the bunch (but I must say that I think Willy has the loudest laugh though). And he knows that I'm waayyyyyy cooler than him...hahahahaha.

    Scary times.....


Saturday, January 20, 2007

Then again...

It's always nicer to hog someone else's page.

MUAAAAAAAAAAHAHHAHAHHAAHAHHAHA!!! RARR RARRR RARRRRRR! BOoBoo shimmy shimmy whimple dimple simple tinkle. GRoWL SchMowl. Xavy Mavy. Donkey. AAAAAHAAHAHAHA it rhymes.

This is fun.

Im really bored. Waiting for Johan and C-man to scoop me always permits ample free time.

At least theyre predictable. Xavie's scoop timing is unpredictable. One minute she says "OI WAKE UP I'M COMING TO GET YOU FOR LUNCH GET READY IN 20 MINUTES!"

5 minutes later ...



parts of this story may be exaggerated. most likely actually. just the timing bit la. i dont remember really how many minutes. okla she's pretty punctual la. whatever.

My sweet introduction..

Hello foreigners,

Another new day, another new blog. Although I am not Xavie, somehow, i get to write here. Meaning I get to write on behalf of her, meaning I control her brain, meaning I am great. It's okay, I won't hog this page too much as i have MY OWN.

Xavie is the MAN! WOoHOOoOOo! Oooh YEah!

Synchronized Sleeping

What is synchronized sleeping, you ask? It's the hottest sport in town. And you don't have to work a single muscle at all. You just got to try it. But first, you must have at least 1 partner. And, it isn't that easy as you must be connected to your partner, body and soul.....


Hello Hello!! I'm so bored and so surprisingly sober! Look at the time!! Its 4 something in the morning and I'm still wide awake and.....SOBER!! My partying life will kick-off by the end of this's just a matter of days away...and then the torture will be over.

Oh Stout, it's been a long time since I revel in your frothy-ness
I've not been drinking Stout for so long that I somehow forgot its taste. How can that be? I should be ashamed of myself! I know the Gang is still waiting for me to snap out of this insanity. Hold on, my darlings, in a coupla days, you'll get the old Xavy back. I promise! HAHAHA. And I'll end up like Willy during one of our clubbing nights:

Or most probably dance the night away. And normally when you're REALLY smashed, you tend to lose your sense of malu-ness and start doing some weird stunts on the dancefloor which can in fact ruin your reputation like this:
Spot this guy at a friend's party @ Nouvo. Hilarious!

But what I fear most is to get so so so so so drunk that I start stripping and wear nothing but my whacky looking undies like this:

But the worst part is, I might start grabbing people at places I dare not grab before....

The night will end with me going home, and licking my own wounds (embarassed by the fact that I actually made a fool of myself the whole night)....

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Ode to my disco ball worshipping comrades

After (regretfully) vowing to myself and to everyone that I won't be partying for the month of January, I felt a sudden urge to drop everything and head to the nearest club to get my groove on. But thanks to my strong sense of perseverence, I managed to hold myself back. It's time to discipline this party animal inside of me. This video itself does not help but what the heck. I love this song to death!!!!!

Friday, January 05, 2007

The 25th Birthday

The night has just begun and Abel & I were looking forward to our drinks

I wasn't quite excited by the fact that I was going to turn 25 in Dec 2006. Like, hello? 25 = Quarter of a Century. A CENTURY!! The only thing I was excited about the birthday bash guessed it right...the partying. Everyone was there for a single objective in mind...which is to get me wasted. I was so scared that I almost felt like canceling the birthday altogether. But being the Queen I am deep inside, I mustn't disappoint my fellow subjects. And they managed to reach their goal alright. I was so wasted. But I immediately sobered up when we realized we lost Abel and found him outside Zouk. He was so drunk, Daniel had to carry him all the way to the car...and on the way, he managed to puke on Dan's shirt. hahahahaha.

The Gang: Me, Stephanie & Willy (Alvey missing. The bugger was in S'pore for Zoukout)

As usual, being the Drama Queen and all that, I decided to humor myself (and those around me) by wearing a crown as a symbol of my greatness.

December Babies: Yours Truly & Jay the Man

Things got a little out of hand the moment Jay arrived because he grabbed me right away and we were heading to the bar when a thought hit me, Oh shit! He's gonna get me drunk just like the others! God, no!. But it was too late because the next thing I knew, I was downing what seemed to be like a million shots of something (couldnt recall). Just when I thought the torture was over, and as I walked back to our table, someone grabbed me by the arm and started dragging me to othe bar again... and so... my night was basically me being walking back to our table to be dragged again to the bar.. over..and..over..again.

It was when I took this picture did I realize "Something must be wrong. Is it me or the camera?"

And it only grew worse as the night began to heat up (not only with body heat but because of the amount of shots this case, tequilla totally killed the b'day girl). We didnt even hit the dance floor because everyone joined in the mission of getting intoxicated with alcohol. After that night, I vowed NEVER to celebrate my birthday again...and NEVER succumb to the lures of alcohol...although, I must say, we were drinking again few days after that.

The night ended with Daniel stealing the title as The Strongest Queen (he carried Abel all the way to the car)