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Saturday, March 17, 2007

The art of destroying pictures

You know when your whole family has one of those 'reunion' dinners/get-togethers, it will usually be accompanied by countless of photo-taking sessions. But of course, everyone will be dressed up to their 9's and 6's...just for a family dinner. And again, when it's time to take pictures, the aunties will usually insist the photo session to be put on hold while they rush to the nearest mirror to get themselves dolled up. We younger ones on the other hand will be standing and waiting, rolling our eyes and snickering about how funny it is that it mattered so much to look good on film. So being true descendents of the Choo family (although I'm actually Kelabit, but my mom's chinese, therefore, I'm technically still considered a descendent of the Choo family), we did not only inherit the good side of the bloodline, we also did (to the dismay of all our aunties and uncles) inherit the mischevious side. See, through the many stories passed down to us through my 'ah ma' (granny in Hokkien), we have concluded that my mom's generation was quite the naughty one. Imagine 8 siblings living under 1 roof. I'll leave that to your imagination.

Anyways, back to my point here. We are all blessed with a good/weird sense of humor. Some people may find it sickening. Some people find it incomprehensible. But for my cousins, sister, and I, we just find it a hell lot of fun. Our latest is what we love to call "Distroy all picture" trick. It's when a family photo session is taking place, we'd pretend to pose nicely for the camera..and just seconds before the click of the camera, we'd change our poses into something horrendous. Knowing that the aunties & uncles are quite particular about taking the 'perfect' family picture, we figured this is the best way to get at them.

I would advise that you'll need a lot of practice to pull this off:

1st of all, you'll need the cooperation from all your siblings and cousins.

2nd, they must be of the same wavelength as you.

3rd, you better make sure that every silly pose you make would surely come out so wrong in the picture.

4th, you must master the art of changing your pose from proper to improper within a blink of an I said, you must anticipate the moment the photographer clicks his camera.

Everything must be done with precission timing. Or if changing poses are too much to do, try something simpler like the "half open - half close" eye trick or easier still, just keep blinking your eyes really will still be able to get the same effect. If you are creative enough, here's when the props come in. Be it a soft toy, or a kids toy gun. Anything goes. Just use your imagination. Once you're reached the Advanced stage, that's when you get one of your cousins/siblings (who is not going to be in the photo taking session) to jump right in front of the group, thus blocking the camera from the group and the photgrapher ends up taking him instead of everyone else..OR..a prop can come in handly. Just get your sibling/cousin to slide the prop in view (just make sure no one notices it. not even the cameraman).

Here's a couple of sample for you to practice at home with your siblings and cousins:

The "blinking eye" pose.
Notice how how I look.
Try to look like you're
smiling naturally but
with your eyes closed.

This is the 'art of
changing poses'.
Only do this after
you've fully
mastered the
"blinking eye" pose.

Combination pose. The
"blinking eye" + "art of
changing pose".

With props. My sis & I
stood behind the group
so that they wouldn't
spot the props.In this
case, it was our little
cousin's toy guns.

Combination. The
props (my sis and I
in the background)
+ My little cousin
who jumped in front
of the group at the
click of the camera
(too bad he's too short
to block everyone).

The hardest to pull off.
Notice anything? If
you look closely, there's
a toy gun on the left
side of the picture. My
cousin managed to
slip this in view of the camera without anyone noticing.

Well, happy trying. If you need more tips, you know who to call. :) I'll be very happy to be at your service.

1 comment:

Super Steph said...

I've been victim to this art. Its been done so much that in evry picture we take now theres a guaranteed shitface or two in it. total waste of camera memory. HAHA. I like the last picture.