From Blog Items

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Lemme see...what's happened so far....Oh yes! The Kent EXCLUSIVE INVITES ONLY PART-AY was fantabulous! Although I didn't had my much deserved share of drinks, I did by far have a great time (except for that one particularly embarassing moment where I tripped and...if it were not for my perfect sense of reflex and balance,chewah, I would've made an idiot of myself by falling over and rolling on the floor exposing my undies to the already half drunk-half horny men standing by). Anyways, as usual, we were on a picture-taking frenzy. Camera whores...what do expect? So there we were...and me in my skimpy dress, frolicking around and being as graceful and less greedy looking (eye balls kept eyeing the drinks bar), we decided to find a good spot to rest our bum bums as it was FREEZING cold in that damn place. I bet if I were to have a flu, it would've frozen in its place. That's how cold it was. Welcome to the ICE AGE, bastards! That's how I felt I was welcomed. But other than that, the event was not that bad. I mean, hey, how bad can it be when there's like, free flow all night long.

Didn't drink much coz was worried about road blocks on the way home. I'm not exactly flushed in my purse department, so I had to make sure to steer clear of roadblocks and other vices which requires bribery and corruption. If only I could turn back the hands of time and get Aaron to drive me down to the party instead. Oh, what a splendid party it could've been! Oh, did I mention that not only can you enjoy free booze, you can also indulge yourself with talking to strangers in toilets and other strange places. I made friends with a girl (I'm sure she's not gay) who was soooo chatty and we hit it off. Problem is, I can't seem to recall her name. Blah! Watever lah.

Anyways, today I'm in sis and I drove here last night. I'm still awake from last night's road trip. The road was sooooo dark, you could stick your middle finger at the person next to you in the car, and she wouldn't notice a thing! hahaha! Tired now. Gotta get some sleep. Tomorrow's another adventure for me. Ta Ta!

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