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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Updates on my totally adventurous life

Wanna know what the fuck has been happening this few months? Here...let me list down all the fucking things I've been fucking doing so you guys can fucking check it out and see that my life is so fucking cool. FUCK! I'M COOL!! ( is not put in proper order...too lazy to do it as my life in itself is unorganized)

  1. Charmaine's awesome 'Mad Hatter' birthday bash at 7ate9. I went as a pirate (because pirates wear hats, you dumbass). Steph wore a cowboy hat. Leo got a tophat. Abel wore a cap. Charmaine the bday girl had on a fucking awesome sunhat. Willy wore a berret (is that how u fucking spell it?). Outcome: Birthday girl got smashed. She was so red and so drunk. I was delighted.

  2. Jon and Lin came to KL for a break. We went partying at the usual watering hole: Velvet Underground. Firstly, they mixed up our table reservations. Because there was gonna be 11 of us, I asked Jay to reserve a big table by the dancefloor. Outcome: Fucking small table. only 2 fucking chairs. (but its ok coz at least we had a table. Thanks Jay). Got smashed (as usual). Alvin and Jon ended up on the dancefloor with us 3 girls (me, lin, charmaine). Jon had to go home early. Alvin followed Jon back. Byron came late. I wore bright red lipstick and ended up kissing Lin which ended up with me smudging my lipstick all over my face and hers. I made 2 guys kiss (do not want to disclose their names). On the way back to the car, according to Byron, I kept spanking Lin's ass. Charmaine had to drive because I was useless. I called Steph and was raving about some "Cobra God". Charmaine recorded the conversation. Life starts spiraling downwards after that episode. I am now the "Cobra God" girl.

  3. Steph bought a pair of pink ladybug slippers for me from HAAAA-noi.

  4. I am slowly improving my pool playing skills

  5. I have managed to dramatically cut down on my alcohol intake

  6. I have managed to gain weight and now am officially an ELEPHANT

  7. Went to Good Charlotte's concert with Christine, Renai, and Nicholas. Nic got us the tickets. I am eternally grateful to him. Being an avid rock ago-go-er...this was my first ever rock concert. How pathetic is that?

  8. Started playing Wii...thanks to Steph and Leo. It's so much fun. I've added Wii into my list of "Things I MUST buy before I spend all my salary on alcohol".

  9. I ordered the lousiest wine on planet earth. It was so sour that every sip makes you cringe. Steph had to help me finish the bottle. nyeh nyeh nyeh

  10. Almost drove into a divider because I was soooo sleepy.

  11. Ran over a huge-ass snake. I think it survived the ordeal. I somehow almost punished myself for almost killing an innocent pedastrian (the snake).

  12. Went for my FIRST EVER EARTH WIND AND FIRE concert. First time watching them LIVE. I love Earth Wind and Fire and I dont fucking care if you guys hate them.

  13. MIKA. Mika changed my life in so many ways. He's a cross between Mick Jagger, Freddie Mercury, and anorexia.

  14. Finally watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Movie was great. I'm still in love with Johnny Depp ever since his 21 Jump Street days. Johnny, if you're reading this, I love you.

  15. Been playing badminton almost every Thursday. Not so much into squash these days. But still... I suck. I suck so bad. boo hoo me.

  16. Mom's birthday. It was one hell of a drama getting the right restaurant and all that. Outcome: Mom was drunk on wine and margarita...(yes... ONE wine and ONE margarita and that was IT).

  17. Willy went to Singapore and came back. We have yet to celebrate his belated birthday. I am itching all over to get him drunk.

  18. Jay and I are going to be the MC for Joey's wedding. We still have yet to figure out what to wear. My mission for the night: Get wasted!

Fuck, my life is so fucking cool because I am cool. Go me!!!!!


a b e s said...

HAHA! Finally an update! Your webpage got cobwebs already. Have to dust my monitor each time I visit your page hahahahahahahahahaha!

Xavy-licious said...

abes: been extremely busy

jess: HAHAHAHA!! I know you lap me!! I lap you too! sore throat and all!!

Arth Akal said...



Arth Akal said...

I wanna go live with you now that my life is so boring here in miri.

Adopt me!!!!!!!

Xavy-licious said...

arth: I'm too young to be having a 27 year old son. But as long as you don't call me "Mommy" in public and call me "Your Majesty", I guess I'll be fine with it. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

DaphStar* said...

well you didnt get too wasted on the fake whiskey! Nasty stuff

Xavy-licious said...

Daph: But I did manage to get a nasty headache after that. Stupid whiskey.