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Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bandit the Dog

Bandit is a 3 month old male Shih Tzu and he loves chaos. He leaves behind destruction and mayhem wherever he goes. Yeah, I'm talking about my new pup. Feisty little creature yet is candy for the eyes. He manipulates you in every way possible just to get what he wants. Lucky for him he's a cute lil fella...or else, total annihilation! Now after much scolding, he's finally learned the rules of house-breaking. He is my little bundle of joy and my little monster. He truly is a Bandit! If I had a choice, I'd get a bigger dog like say, a labrador. But for now a shih tzu will be just fine. The joys of having a pet that loves you back is wonderful. He just knows when to melt your heart especially when you've had a hard day. I love him to bits!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cape Cod Curmudgeon
This is a bright, sunny day! Forgotten what one looks like? Hopefully we have some coming up.
This is a fine blog. I will bookmark it for some time.
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