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Thursday, April 05, 2007

A letter to the Unchanged Man

Dear Unchanged Man,

You said you'd love me. You said you love me for being me. You'd love me no matter what. You'd never change.

Years down the road...
I caught you once
I caught you twice
I forgave you and tried to forget

I caught you again...
third time
fourth time
Somehow down the road, I forced myself to forgive.

Years have passed

And again it happened...
and again... I lost count.
Somehow the number of times it happened doesn't seem to matter anymore.
The fact happened

Somehow we managed to meet new friends. Everyone love you. Like how I used to love you. It's been a while since it happened. But I'm just waiting for it to happen again. This journey is weary and I'm weary. Change is inevitable. You proved that to me.

Somehow for once I made a mistake (you said it was my mistake). I went my own way.
I looked elsewhere.
It didn't work out.
I returned to you.
But never have you ever kept quiet about this one.
You accused me.
You made me into a monster to your friends.
Just that one time cost me my reputation.
Just one time.
I was accused.
I was damned.
I was condemned.
But I let it slip.
I learn and I learn well.

You don't get it, do you? I learned all this from you! Again, I am weary. I need freedom, but I'm afraid of it. I need to go away, but I'm afraid of not returning. I want to stay, but I'm afraid of disappointments. I need to be alone, but I'm afraid of loneliness.

You'd say I think too much.
That's because even when I'm with you, I feel lonely.
We've been together for very long.
It's either we change, or the relationship changes.
I've changed.

A changed woman

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