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Thursday, April 12, 2007

No.1 thing NOT to do when you're DRUNK

*Picture courtesy of Gavin.
Those 2 drunken looking mofos you see proudly displaying their work of art in that picture are my cousin, Gavin (in red), and my nephew, Carl (in black). When I saw this, I was shocked/dumbfounded. Okay, we've all had our fair share of embarassing/remorseful moments in our past drunken escapades. But by far the most bizzare thing I've seen in my entire 25 years of life...


I didn't know whether to laugh or to I did both in the end. I laughed so hard that there were tears in my eyes.

Monday, April 09, 2007

The Voice

These few days have seen me hanging out with Jay, Razlan and Jess. Our drunkard escapades could've been satisfying if it weren't for the presence of a very annoying-squeaky-high-pitched voice. My first impression of the owner of this "voice" was a good one. But until my recent experience with her, her true colours showed and I can say that God has really put my patience to the test. Finally to no avail, my patience has reached it's limit. While hungrily wolfing down on my food, (all my friends know that nothing, NOTHING, should come between me and my food ESPECIALLY when I'm starving) the others were talking about Easter Sunday and stuff like that..and The Voice turned to me "So you are what again? Kela..what? Kelabit?". To which I responded with a "Mm"(I was more interested in my food than talking about my ethnic background). Not getting the message, The Voice asked,"So, you're Christian meh?". I looked up, swallowed my food and gave the loudest "DUH" I can manage. Everyone looked up at me with a startled look. I continued eating and was smiling deep down inside as I imagined how she'd look like with my plate of "mee mamak goreng" on her head. I could feel the tension in the air right after my "DUH" to ease it, with all my might, I looked up, smiled and said,"I get that all the time because people always assume that I'm a Malay." But to my dismay, The Voice replied,"Yah! I get that all the time too! Why ar"...and my mind trailed off as she began holding the table hostage with stories about her. All I could hear was "Squeak... squeak squeak squeak....SQUEAK...squeak squeak....."

I made a promise to myself The Voice will be the first and last of her kind I would ever want to encounter for the rest of my life.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

A letter to the Unchanged Man

Dear Unchanged Man,

You said you'd love me. You said you love me for being me. You'd love me no matter what. You'd never change.

Years down the road...
I caught you once
I caught you twice
I forgave you and tried to forget

I caught you again...
third time
fourth time
Somehow down the road, I forced myself to forgive.

Years have passed

And again it happened...
and again... I lost count.
Somehow the number of times it happened doesn't seem to matter anymore.
The fact happened

Somehow we managed to meet new friends. Everyone love you. Like how I used to love you. It's been a while since it happened. But I'm just waiting for it to happen again. This journey is weary and I'm weary. Change is inevitable. You proved that to me.

Somehow for once I made a mistake (you said it was my mistake). I went my own way.
I looked elsewhere.
It didn't work out.
I returned to you.
But never have you ever kept quiet about this one.
You accused me.
You made me into a monster to your friends.
Just that one time cost me my reputation.
Just one time.
I was accused.
I was damned.
I was condemned.
But I let it slip.
I learn and I learn well.

You don't get it, do you? I learned all this from you! Again, I am weary. I need freedom, but I'm afraid of it. I need to go away, but I'm afraid of not returning. I want to stay, but I'm afraid of disappointments. I need to be alone, but I'm afraid of loneliness.

You'd say I think too much.
That's because even when I'm with you, I feel lonely.
We've been together for very long.
It's either we change, or the relationship changes.
I've changed.

A changed woman

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Happy! Happy! Happy!

I'm so happy. I don't know why. Maybe it's a combination of the following:

-Nice weather
-Cut down on cigarettes
-Good food (have been eating a lot)
-Good friends
-Good colleagues
-It feels like New Year all over again.
-Good music
-Finally watched 300
-Managed to fool my colleagues and a few friends on April Fool's day
-My Bandit
-People love me
-I love the people
-And.....Earth, Wind & Fire concert's this Friday. hahahahaha!!