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Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

I would like to wish everyone a very Happy Halloween, Happy Deepavali, and Selamat Hari Raya. Isn't it great being a Malaysian? I love holidays! Makes me feel queesy and happy and restless. Don't you feel it too? Anyways, here's a recap of what I ws up to last Saturday (29th Oct 05)...Zouk was having a halloween party called "Disco Blood Bath". It was great but not as fun as last year's (I think it's because it's fasting month). But long as you're allowed to dress up as ANYTHING you want....what more can you ask for? Lemme see...I woke up early that Saturday morning (thanks to Brendon who smsed at 9 something in the MORNING!). Oh, by the way...I managed to fix my handphone...that's one of the reasons why i'm happy too. Woke up, went to eat something with Aaron and Jill. We went to Sungei Wang after that to get some stuff to wear for the party.'s the story...I ws supposed to dress up as the Chinese version of Madame Butterfly/Porcelain Doll sorta look...turned out I couldnt fit into my it ws time for plan B: Just go as a Porcelain Doll with a corset and raggedy skirt and torn panty stocking.

As I ws putting on my make up, I over-did my time for plan C: Just go as a Vampire...again. Whn we got to Zouk, Brendon, Byron, Aaron, Jessie, Giles and Damien were there already n we were looking for our table (coz we made reservations)...found out there were this couple sitting at our table and they hid the reservation name under an ashtray. Hah! Losers! Our first Black Label bottle finished within half an hour. We ended up having 5 bottles. Jill, Ade, Abel and Steph came a bit later. Steph and Abel ddressed as Yin and Yang....but I think Steph looked more like a Guardian Angel and Abel looked like a Gothic Pimp. hehe. We all had fun. Nothing really STUPID happened.

By the way, check Stephanie out in the Andrews Models pix and while you're at it, check out this model by the name Vlada. haha.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

The Dream

It's 9am! Yes, it is! I need to wake up early coz I need the car from mom for an interview. Quite nervous actually. Anyways, I just need to share my dreams here...before I forget all about it.

Last night I dreamt I had (jeng, jeng, jeng) SEX with a friend of mine (I won't mention names here because...just BECAUSE). It is a guy lah of course in case any of you get the wrong idea. I won't go into the exact details but I'll have to say in my dream, he was like..a SEX-GOD! But the weird thing is I have to suck on his toe to turn him on and his voice was quite feminine.

Okay, pervs...that's all. Not revealing more than that

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ricky Martin

I don't know but for some reasons I've come to obsess about Ricky Martin. Maybe it's because of his height, maybe it's his long legs, or maybe it's his nicely toned body. OR maybe it's his facial hair. It doesnt matter how lame some of his songs could be, there's no denying how sexy he is. He is the metrosexual man. He sways his hips like a woman but in every way he is a MAN. Just like how John Travolta was in Grease. That's what I call a hot-sexy-you cant say no to-man. They never make men like that anymore. Even if there is any other, they're either married, gay, or attached to some girl who does not deserve them. haha!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Bandit the Dog

Bandit is a 3 month old male Shih Tzu and he loves chaos. He leaves behind destruction and mayhem wherever he goes. Yeah, I'm talking about my new pup. Feisty little creature yet is candy for the eyes. He manipulates you in every way possible just to get what he wants. Lucky for him he's a cute lil fella...or else, total annihilation! Now after much scolding, he's finally learned the rules of house-breaking. He is my little bundle of joy and my little monster. He truly is a Bandit! If I had a choice, I'd get a bigger dog like say, a labrador. But for now a shih tzu will be just fine. The joys of having a pet that loves you back is wonderful. He just knows when to melt your heart especially when you've had a hard day. I love him to bits!